Regime change from koizumi to abe and the japanese nationalism 安倍政权交替与日本的民族主义
Third , since 1980s , japanese nationalism is undergoing transformation 三、在八十年代以后,这一民族主义构造正在发生着变化。
The development of japanese nationalism after world war and its influence on sino - japanese relations 二战后日本民族主义的发展及对中日关系的影响
Second , through emotional identification with the grassroots of society which could hardly benefit from modernization , the above - mentioned critical attitude was incorporated into japanese nationalism 二、通过与难以得到现代化恩惠的社会底层的感情的结合,对现代这一体系的批判被吸收到日本民族主义中去了。
From the prime minister junichiro koizumi ' s repeated visits to the yasukuni shrine to the bid for a permanent seat on the united nations security council , many asian countries see them as a symbol of the return of japanese nationalism 从日本首相小泉纯一郎再三地参拜靖国神社到日本企图在联合国安理会上争取一永久席位,许多亚洲国家都将之视为是一种日本国家主义复返的象徵。
Japanese nationalism is the nationalism asserts that the Japanese are a nation and promotes the cultural unity of the Japanese.